Thursday 19 January 2017

PHOTO] Kenyan Women Told To Deny Their Husbands Sex Until They Register As Voters

A Kenyan MP has asked women to withhold sex from their husbands until they register as voters for the 8 August elections. Mishi Mboko, the women’s representative for the coastal city of Mombasa, says it was the best strategy to shore up opposition votes. “Women, this is the strategy you should adopt. It is the best. Deny them sex until they show you their voter’s card,” she said. The registrations ends on 17 February. Ms Mboko said sex was a powerful weapon and would encourage reluctant men to rush to register as voters in the exercise that began on Monday. She said her husband would not be affected by the boycott as he had already registered, the Standard newspaper reports. Calls for sex boycotts are common in Kenya. In 2009, women activists held a week-long sex strike to get then President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga and their allies to reconcile after falling out.

Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh Refuses To Leave Office As Deadline Passes

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh is refusing to step down despite the threat of military intervention by neighbouring states. Adama Barrow, who beat him in elections last month, is due to be inaugurated as the new president on Thursday, but Mr Jammeh has ignored the deadline. West African military forces are ready to enforce a transfer of power. Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz failed to break the deadlock at last-minute talks with Mr Jammeh. Mr Abdel Aziz flew in to the Gambian capital Banjul on Wednesday evening to meet Mr Jammeh before flying on to Dakar airport for further discussions with Mr Barrow and Senegal’s President Macky Sall. “I am now less pessimistic [that Mr Jammeh] will work on a peaceful solution that is in the best interest for everyone,” Mr Abdel Aziz said. Senegalese troops remain stationed at the Gambian border, despite the deadline for Mr Jammeh to stand down passing at midnight. The threat of military action is supported by Nigeria and other states in the region. However Gambian army chief Ousman Badjie said his troops would not fight Senegalese forces should they enter into the country, AFP news agency reports. “We are not going to involve ourselves militarily, this is a political dispute,” he said. “I am not going to involve my soldiers in a stupid fight. I love my men.”

Sunday 8 January 2017

Awujale should withdraw his book, apologise to Obasanjo — Oladunjoye

The Jagunmolu of Owu and Apesin Jagunmolu of Egbaland, Chief Shehu Oladunjoye, speaks with TOLUWANI ENIOLA on the rift between the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, and former President Olusegun Obasanjo Do you think the words used by former President Olusegun Obasanjo against the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, were appropriate? Yes; Obasanjo is justified in the way he reacted to Awujale’s (allegations against Obasanjo in his) book. His letter published by the media is appropriate because the falsehood in Awujale’s book was also published in a book. Obasanjo acted in good faith to assist Globacom Chairman, Mike Adenuga, to secure a telecommunication licence, including the second national carrier (access to the international gateway). He also advised the Nigeria Communication Commission to allow the successful bidders to pay a deposit if they could not pay the entire amount immediately in order to encourage local and indigenous operators. He does not deserve the sort of accusation (the Awujale levelled against him). It is false and falsehood will infuriate anyone. Don’t you think Obasanjo should have met with the monarch privately to resolve the issue? I disagree with that. Why should he do that? Obasanjo could not have met with the Awujale to discuss the matter because the Awujale did not reach out to him before publishing such distorted information. If the Awujale needed any clarification on the issue, he could have reached out to Obasanjo before writing about a matter which portrays an elder statesman of Obasanjo’s pedigree in a negative manner. His (Awujale’s) narrative, therefore, appears mischievous. How do you think Obasanjo’s letter will affect the respect people have for the Awujale and other Yoruba monarchs? Monarchs nationwide are sometimes involved in one controversy or another. Open letters are not novel because they are the less cumbersome and independent option available to us in Nigeria for protesting any issue; be it injustice, libel or misrepresentation of facts. The public will realise that the monarch did not get his facts correctly and should not have published such when he had no facts. A monarch is not supposed to put himself in such a controversial position. He is supposed to be an independent adjudicator at all times and investigate matters deeply before making any pronouncement. He is expected to be a promoter of peace and not discord. Above all, he is seen as a role model for all. Do you think the Awujale should apologise to Obasanjo? Definitely; the Awujale ought to apologise to Obasanjo through a formal statement which should be published in the national dailies or his books should be withdrawn from circulation willingly or through a court order. This will serve as a deterrent to those who plan to engage in such acts of blackmail to ridicule statesmen. Also, Adenuga should reach out to Awujale to ensure effective damage control immediately or another can of worms may be opened. Do you think Obasanjo had a hand in the case brought against Globacom Chairman, Mike Adenuga, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission as claimed by the Awujale? Obasanjo established the EFCC because there had to be an institution to check the menace of corruption and impunity in this country. It was a step in the right direction influenced by pressure from the international community and conventions to which Nigeria is a signatory. A few of Obasanjo’s friends were victims of the EFCC and Obasanjo did not intervene in their matters because he would be undermining the objectives of the institution he set up. If Adenuga obtained the telecommunications licence without any financial crime, then the EFCC would have no reason to investigate him. Obasanjo should not be expected to use his position as the president of a country to prevent the institution he established from carrying out its legal responsibilities and duties as stipulated in the enabling act. How true is the Awujale’s claim that Obasanjo’s rift with former Vice President Atiku was the reason the EFCC went after Adenuga at that time? Obasanjo could not have instructed the EFCC to go after Adenuga. That is false. Adenuga is his kinsman and he supported him to get the licence for his telecommunications firm. If Adenuga had financial challenges which resulted in some questionable actions that the EFCC considered worth investigating, it is not Obasanjo’s call and he must also not be seen as preventing the EFCC from doing its job. Obasanjo would then be accused by Nigerians of helping his kinsman and it would set a bad precedence for the anti-graft war he initiated. What do you think was the intention of Oba Adetona before writing the book? I wouldn’t know Awujale’s intention of writing the book. Most renowned leaders who have landmark achievements write their autobiography so as to leave a legacy and a reference book which will inspire other generations to achieve greatness. In Nigeria, many people write autobiographies for political relevance, recognition and power. Some write to settle old scores or position themselves for an aspiration. Only Awujale knows the real reason he wrote the book. Dale Carnegie said there are two reasons anybody does anything – the one that sounds good and the real reason. What do you think Obasanjo is trying to achieve by responding to a book written six years ago? Obasanjo was not aware of the autobiography or its contents, as the book was not well launched or reviewed publicly. It was not in the public domain. It was when Obasanjo’s attention was drawn to the contents of the book recently that he realised he should correct the misrepresentation and manipulation of facts (therein). Obasanjo does not waste time in reacting to such a distortion once he is aware of it. Should Obasanjo sue the king over the matter? No; I wouldn’t advise Obasanjo to take Awujale to court over the matter for now. We always sue for peaceful and amicable reconciliation of any issue where possible. This is a matter that affects our sons in Yorubaland and we should be able to resolve it. Awujale should realise that he is a traditional ruler in a small region in Yorubaland while Obasanjo – a political leader of the Yoruba people – has served his country well as a military general, head of state, and a civilian president of Nigeria for eight years with notable achievements. Obasanjo is an elder statesman and deserves the respect of all Yoruba, including traditional rulers who are subject to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Do you agree with the advice that Yoruba Obas should stay out of politics? Yes; not just Yoruba Obas but all monarchs nationwide should stay out of political issues. They are not a recognised part of the democratic institutions under the political parties. If they want to play politics, they should remove their traditional regalia and join the bandwagon for a level playing field. They are the traditional leaders of the people within their constituencies and should remain unbiased, fair, just and independent so as to preside over community issues without fear, favour, and loyalty to any political leader or cause. They should also refrain from involvement in religious issues. Monarchs must remain neutral in any situation so as to earn the respect of the people. What advice do you have for the Awujale? Awujale, in my opinion, should focus on his responsibilities to the people of Ijebuland. He should explore avenues to encourage development of industries in Ijebu, which is known to have produced great entrepreneurs in Yorubaland and Nigeria. He should explore ways to address unemployment, poverty, urban migration, development of farmlands and rural farmers’ empowerment. He should ensure that firms carry out commendable corporate social responsibility in Ogun State. Awujale should try to alleviate the condition of his people in Ijebu and address their conflicts objectively towards reaching an amicable resolution without bias. He should also try, like a good ruler, to check his facts properly on any issue no matter who is involved. More importantly, he should carry out extensive consultations before taking any action or pronouncement. He should avoid sentimentalism and unwarranted arrogance. Traditional rulers can be humble even in their exalted position. He should also try to be less impulsive as a ruler. Otherwise, he may find himself in a multibillion-naira lawsuit one day that would be most embarrassing to a first-class monarch of his status. It is said that Obasanjo does not enjoy much respect in Yorubaland. Will you say the public spat between him and Oba Adetona justifies that assertion? It is most unfortunate that this (spat between Obasanjo and the Awujale) is happening. Obasanjo deserves much more respect than he is getting; not just in Yorubaland but generally in consideration of how he has served this nation commendably. It is not easy to govern Nigerians. I believe it is the Nigerian factor because we generally do not give our leaders the respect they merit. You may say the same for the late Musa Yar’Adua, Jonathan Goodluck, as well as state governors. It is time we enacted a law to protect our presidents while in office and when out of office. These statesmen sacrificed their time for the nation and deserve to be revered regardless of their faults. It is not a Yoruba issue. What concerns us is that the Yoruba culture is known for the respect it accords elders; its respect for humility, equity and fair play. It is, therefore, sad that Obasanjo, who is a role model for the Yoruba and an eminent statesman for Nigeria and Africa, has to be treated like this by a regional monarch who ought to know better. Obasanjo is not just a Yoruba elder but a former president and a former head of state. He is respected all over the world. A monarch should not attempt to tarnish his (Obasanjo) good reputation. He is a pride to Yoruba, Nigerians and Africans. Awujale should take heed now because he is on the throne today and would not like emerging leaders to tarnish his image. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. The nose is far from the forehead. Let us give respect to those who deserve it.

Manson Back at Central California Prison After Hospital Stay

Cult leader Charles Manson is back in a Central California prison after a reported hospital stay for an unspecified medical problem. Manson, 82, was at California State Prison, Corcoran as of Saturday, said Jeffrey Callison, a spokesman for the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. "We never stated he was anywhere else," Callison said in an email. "Medical privacy laws do not allow (the department) to discuss inmates' medical issues, if any." The department has declined to comment on reports from and the Los Angeles Times that earlier in the week Manson was taken to a hospital in Bakersfield, 60 miles south of the prison. While the prison has medical facilities, California prisoners generally are sent to outside hospitals if they need "surgical services, emergency care, or diagnostic services of an acute nature," Joyce Hayhoe, a spokeswoman for the federal receiver who controls prison medical care, said Tuesday. Manson is serving a life sentence for orchestrating the 1969 murders of pregnant actress Sharon Tate and six others in Southern California. Messages like "Pigs" and a misspelled "Healter Skelter" were scrawled in the victims' blood on their walls and doors. The cult leader had attracted disaffected young people who lived in an old movie ranch on the edge of Los Angeles that Manson turned into a commune. Prosecutors said Manson and his "family" of followers were trying to incite a race war he dubbed "Helter Skelter," taken from the Beatles song. Manson, followers Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel, Leslie Van Houten and Charles "Tex" Watson were convicted of murder and sentenced to death. All were spared execution when a U.S. Supreme Court ruling temporarily banned the death penalty in 1972. Another Manson Family member, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, was never charged in the murders but went to prison later for trying to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975. Fromme, whose gun didn't fire, was paroled in 2009 after 34 years behind bars.

Saturday 7 January 2017

Buhari Does Not Feed My Children, I Feed Them With My Personal Money – Aisha Buhari

Aisha, wife of President Muhammadu Buhari has claimed that she feeds her children with her personal money. According to Aisha, she had not been accorded the official privileges given to her predecessors as the Fist Lady of the country. Mrs. Buhari’s claims, contained in a rejoinder by her media aide, Adebisi Ajayi on Friday were consequent upon accusation of abuse of privileges at Nigerian High Commission in London leveled against her by Sahara Reporters, an online media apparently on her trip to the United Kingdom recently. Mrs. Buhari therefore challenged the online reporters to show evidence of their report to disproof her claims. The rejoinder read thus: “The attention of the Wife of the President, Hajia Aisha Buhari has been drawn to a report in Sahara Reporters where, she was amongst other things accused of abuse of privileges at Nigerian High Commission in London. “It is not in her interest to join issues with anyone or defend others mentioned in the report, it is however paramount to put the record in proper perspectives as its concern her trips to UK vis-à-vis the Nigerian High Commission in London. “Aisha Buhari has never traveled to London with a large entourage as was carried in the report. The highest number of people on a trip involves her three kids, ADC, and her personal physician. “The Nigerian Commission in London has never offered any favor either monetarily or materially to her or her so called entourage on any of her trips to London. “The state house in Abuja caters for her meal when necessary, and other healthy food or variety needed by her children are her personal responsibility. “It is on record that the Nigerian Commission in London does not receive Aisha Buhari at the airport with any official distinction or privileges as was accorded other first ladies before her “Her drivers are privately arranged without any recourse to the embassy for staff. “She has never complained or raised dust about any of these acts by the High Commission because of the understanding, as clearly spelt out and practiced by her husband, that public office must be separated from the private lives of the occupants. “She has always been an advocate of good governance where officials of government are responsive and appealing to their constituents, it therefore baffles the imagination that one could believe she would corroborate with any government official however highly placed either at home or abroad to shortchange the Nigerian people. “These records are not hidden for a non-mischievous reporter who really intends to inform the people and not to disparage the family of the President just to add weight to a report. “Aisha Buhari would have ignored this, like all of such baseless accusations, but the angle to which the report was presented has a corruption and abuse of privileges connotation which negates the fundamental principle upon which this administration thrives. “Consequently, Sahara reporter or any of the embassy staff is hereby challenged to provide any concrete evidence either in hard or soft copy to contradict Aisha’s Buhari’s position as it concerns her trips to London.

Prepare for bumper rice harvest this year, says Umahi

The Governor of Ebonyi State, Engr. David Umahi, has called on the state’s Ministry of Agriculture and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) to work harder this year to make the state attain greater heights in rice production. He told delegations from the ministry, IFAD, Abakalili Amalgamated Market Traders Association and political stakeholders from Ivo LGA who visited him in Uburu, that the reason the state is being celebrated today is because of Agriculture. Umahi, according to a statement on Friday by his spokesman, Emma Anya, said it was necessary for the ministry and IFAD to work harder to enable the state get to where it should be in rice production. He told the traders that there would be discussions on plans to create wealth for the people and make the International market in the state be like other big markets in the country. He advised them to quickly obtain forms to ensure that shops were allocated to them at the international market.

Gashaka-Gumti Park may become another Sambisa Forest if uncared for, government warned

The Federal Government should urgently take steps to develop the Gashaka-Gumti National Park (GGNP) in Taraba State into a tourism site to avoid the reserve being turned into a hideout for terrorists, the state governor, Darius Ishaku, has warned. Safari at the Gashaka-Gumti National Park. There are fears that its continous neglect could make it another Sambisa Forest, and an haven for insurgents ⌂ Home / Cover / Gashaka-Gumti Park may become another Sambisa Forest if uncared for, government warned 21 Top Digital Cameras for Moms We’ve found the best digital cameras that will Gashaka-Gumti Park may become another Sambisa Forest if uncared for, government warned  22 hours ago  0 Comments  1,127 Views The Federal Government should urgently take steps to develop the Gashaka-Gumti National Park (GGNP) in Taraba State into a tourism site to avoid the reserve being turned into a hideout for terrorists, the state governor, Darius Ishaku, has warned. The governor said the GGNP, gazetted from two game reserves in 1991, should never be allowed to go the way of Sambisa Forest, where Boko Haram terrorists are believed to be holding out. The GGNP is Nigeria’s largest national park and one of the largest parks in Westafrica. The park, which is managed by the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC), covers a large expanse of land traversing Taraba and Adamawa states. Gashaka-Gumti National Park was created by a Federal Decree in 1991 by the merging of Gashaka Game Reserve with Gumti Game Reserve. Ishaku, in a statement issued on his behalf by Mr Emmanuel Bello, Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Public Affairs, in Jalingo, the state capital, said the Nigerian government must ask itself some pertinent questions which has to do with Sambisa following its capture. “After the capture of Sambisa Forest, one of the things the Federal Government must ask itself is how that forest became a breeding ground for the type of atrocity that reportedly went on there. Ordinarily, Sambisa should have been a paradise on earth with its potential for tourism and scientific researches. Today, the name, Sambisa, may forever be associated with negativity. I call on the Federal Government to be proactive about tourism,” the governor was quoted as saying in the statement The governor also called on the Federal Government, following the capture of Sambisa by Nigerian troops, to concentrate its efforts on developing tourism potential of other forest reserves so that they are not allowed to become another hideout for criminals. The statement reads, “We may never know, but if that Sambisa forest was put to good use, who knows, maybe we would have been spared all the horrors. Please, let this not become the fate of another potential paradise called Gashaka-Gumti.” The governor noted that, on its part, it was doing its best to develop the park and called on the Federal Government to shift its focus to harnessing the tourism potential of the park and those of others and thus develop tourism.

Bus crashes kill 19 in Morocco, Ageria

Two major bus crashes in Morocco and Algeria killed a total of 19 people early Saturday and injured almost three dozen more, media reported. Two major bus crashes in Morocco and Algeria killed a total of 19 people early Saturday and injured almost three dozen more, media reported. The worst accident took place in southern Morocco when a truck collided with a passenger bus on a highway near the city of Agadir, the MAP news agency said. Ten people were burned alive and 22 others were injured, the agency said One of the injured was in serious condition and had to be flown by helicopter to a hospital in Marrakesh while the others were treated in Agadir, it said. In neighbouring Algeria, nine people were killed and 12 injured early Saturday when a bus overturned in M’Silah province south of the capital Algiers, state television said. The victims were five women, three men and a child, it said. Traffic accidents are common in Morocco and Algeria where hundreds die each year on the roads, mostly due to speeding or human error.

Mikel gets special tribute from Chelsea

Nigeria international John Mikel Obi has received glowing tribute from his former club Chelsea as he ended his decade-long spell with the Blues on Friday. In a long statement on their official website, Chelsea thanked Mikel for his meritorious service all through his stay at Stamford Bridge and wished him more successes as he begins another chapter in his career. Mikel has joined Chinese side Tianjin TEDA who are set to make the Super Eagles captain one of the best paid African footballers. Club Tribute Chelsea in an official statement wrote: “We pay tribute to a Chelsea great who today left the club he joined in the summer of 2006. “He leaves with the respect and appreciation of those who managed him, played alongside him and watched him during his decade-long stay at Stamford Bridge. He leaves with our very best wishes and we thank him for his exceptional service.” The 29-year-old is one of a select band of five foreign players in Chelsea’s history to have reached the 300-game landmark alongside Chelsea greats Petr Cech, Didier Drogba, Branislav Ivanovic and Gianfranco Zola. His finest moment came in 2012 in Munich, when his incredible discipline in midfield protected the defence and helped the Blues to claim their first Champions League triumph. Silverware was a regular theme of the Nigerian’s stay in west London. Mikel was Chelsea’s Young Player of the Year in his debut 2006/07 season, having arrived from Norwegian side Lyon oslo. He ended that campaign with two winners’ medals: the League Cup and FA Cup. He lifted the latter trophy four times in Chelsea’s colours. In total, Mikel made 372 appearances for the club – the 17th-highest figure of anyone in the club’s history – and won 10 major honours. He found the back of the net six times during his 10 years spell at the Bridge. A video documentary highlighting Mikel’s illustrious career at Chelsea was also shared by the London club across their social media platforms and that has been generating comments across the

JUST IN: Rooney equals Man Utd all time scoring record

Wayne Rooney has secured his place in Manchester United history after equalling Sir Bobby Charlton's scoring record for the club. The 31-year-old's FA Cup strike against Reading on Saturday took him to 249 in 543 games, reaching the landmark 215 matches and four seasons quicker than Charlton. The record had stood since 1973 but Rooney now seems certain to beat it. In 2015, Rooney surpassed World Cup winner Charlton's England scoring record of 49 goals and has since taken his tally to 53 for the national team. United won 4 - 0 on the day in their FA Cup clash against Reading. Rooney opened the scoring with Anthony Martial adding a second and Marcus Rashford scoring the third and fourth goals.

Car bomb kills at least 50 in Syria’s A'zaz

At least 50 people have been killed in the Syrian city of A'zaz in a powerful car bomb explosion targeting civilians in the city. The blast took place a fuel tanker blew up in front of a courthouse in the city. Dozens of others were also wounded in the explosion. According to initial reports, several government buildings were completely destroyed in the explosion. Dozens of other buildings were also reported damaged as a result of the blast. The explosion was heard across the border in the Turkish town of Kilis, Turkey’s private Dogan news agency said. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which was the latest in a string of bombings to hit A'zaz. In November, 25 people, including civilians, were killed in a car bomb attack on a militant headquarters. The Daesh Takfiri terrorist group was accused of being behind the attack. At least 17 people were killed in a car bomb attack on a militant checkpoint In October, said the so-called Syrian Observatory for human rights. A'zaz is located to the north of the city of Aleppo, which has recently been liberated from militants. Evacuation deals saw the departure of the last pockets of militants in the east of Aleppo late last year. The Saturday blast in A'zaz comes as a nationwide ceasefire is being observed across much of Syria. The ceasefire deal between the militants and the Syrian government, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey, came into force in late December. Daesh and the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham are not part of the truce.

Prepare for war: Niger Delta Avengers issue new threat

After a short break, the Niger Delta Avengers are set to resume hostilities in the oil-rich region - The militants said the Nigerian government was deaf and can only hear when knocked hard - The group said the outcome of its next activities will make their enemy's eyes to shed blood and his heart shall quake - The Avengers has ordered its fighters to be ready for battle as the Nigerian government was not ready for dialogue The Niger Delta Avengers (NDA) is prepared for war against the federal government this year. In a statement posted on its site on Friday, January 6, titled ‘Operations Walls of Jericho and Hurricane Joshua’, the group said it was set to resume hostilities in the Niger Delta region. The militants congratulated its fighters and commands for a job well done in 2016 while declaring that the months and weeks in 2017 will be filled with surprises and a reconfiguration of the struggle for the liberation of their motherland. The statement signed by its spokesman, Brig.Gen Mudoch Agbinibo read: "Since, the declaration of cessation of hostilities in the region by all fighters and affiliates, it has been evidently clear that the Nigerian state is not ready for any form of dialogue and negotiation with our people to addressing the issues sustaining the unending sufferings and deprivation of the people of the Niger Delta. The world is aware that, after listening to calls from our royal fathers, community leaders, stakeholders and members of the comity of nations especially the governments of the United States of America, Great Britain and the European Union, we halted all actions.

Updated] Adeboye appoints Obayemi as RCCG General Overseer

The General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, on Saturday appointed a new General Overseer for the RCCG Nigeria as he retires, ahead of his 75th birthday on 2 March. The new GO is Pastor Joshua Obayemi Adeboye was born on March 2, 1942, in Ifewara, Osun State. Pastor Adeboye had his B.Sc. in Mathematics at University of Nigeria Nsukka, and subsequently got his PhD in applied mathematics from the University of Lagos, and worked as a lecturer in Mathematics at the universities of Lagos and Ilorin, before going into full time priesthood in 1984. After joining the RCCG in 1973, he began working to translate the sermons of its then Pastor and founder, Rev. Josiah Olufemi Akindayomi, from Yoruba into English. In 1981, Adeboye was appointed General Overseer of the church. He took over from Papa Akindayomi, who had died the previous year. For three years he performed the role part-time, still lecturing at Ilorin. He finally gave up his university position to preach full-time. The church, which was not well known prior to Adeboye’s ascendance has grown phenomenally, to become Nigeria’s biggest, with branches globally in about 190 countries, including more than 14,000 in Nigeria. Adeboye has stated that his aim is to put a church within five minutes of every person on Earth. He married Adenike, now 68 in 1967. She was born on 13th July 1948. Obayemi was appointed the new GO at the Annual Ministers Thanksgiving at Shimawa, in Ogun State. The newly appointed GO was the former Special Assistant to the General Overseer on Finance. Adeboye also appointed Pastor Johnson Odesola, who was the Special Assistant on Administration and Personnel, as the church Secretary.

Winners Chapel pastor caught with suspected human meat

A pastor of a Living Faith Church, a k a Winners Chapel, Adeniyi Johnson, has been caught with suspected human meat and some fetish items that were kept inside his bag - Upon interrogation he said he was divinely instructed to go and share the meat to save his dying son - He was thereafter taken away to the area command headquarters of the Ondo state police command for further interrogation A scene from a horror movie played itself when a pastor of a Living Faith Church, a k a Winners Chapel, Adeniyi Johnson, was caught by a mob with pieces of fried meat suspected to be human parts. This Day reports that the flesh eating pastor who was caught in the act at Ijomu area of Akure metropolis of Ondo state was also alleged to be in possession of some fetish items that were kept inside his bag. An eye witness said the middle-aged pastor shocked the people in the area when he brought out pieces of fried meat from his bag, spread them in a tray and started calling people to come and join him to eat. But people around who were suspicious of the curious invitation by the pastor began to shout “eran eyan ni, eran eyan ni” meaning “It is human mean meat, it is human meat". Some among the crown suggested that the man should be lynched due to his suspicious behaviour and the fetish item found on him. However, Johnson pleaded that he had just been transferred to Ipogun in Ifedore Local Government Area branch of the church from Iju/ Ita-ogbolu in Akure North local government. When people gathering at the scene were becoming uncontrollable, the man was moved to the palace of Deji of Akure, where he was quizzed by chiefs at the palace. Upon interrogation, he said he was divinely instructed to go and share the meat to save his dying son. ‎He appealed to the people to allow him to go and continue what he called his end time mission based on a revelation from God. He was thereafter taken away to the area command headquarters of the Ondo state police command for further interrogation. In another development, A suspected female kidnapper was stripped and almost set ablaze by an angry mob for allegedly trying to kidnap a school pupil in the Owode Oniri area of Lagos on Monday, May 16.

Old woman allegedly caught with a dead baby in Lagos (photos)

After the old woman was apprehended, she was made to walk around with the baby corpse still straddled on her back before being handed over to the police. Read how he shared the shocking story below Old woman allegedly caught with a dead baby in Lagos (photos) A Facebook user, Kadiri Ismaila, has recounted how an old woman was spotted with a kidnapped dead baby in the Oshodi area of Lagos. After the old woman was apprehended, she was made to walk around with the baby corpse still straddled on her back before being handed over to the police. Read how he shared the shocking story below: ''An old aged woman was caught dis afternoon wit kingnapped dead a month old baby at oshodi in lagos. Wonder dry say will never end.'' Old woman allegedly caught with a dead baby in Lagos (photos) Old woman allegedly caught with a dead baby in Lagos (photos) Old woman allegedly caught with a dead baby in Lagos (photos) * Police have released the aged woman caught with dead baby in Lagos. The Nation reports that the woman identified as Kuburat Ayinde was intercepted on Monday afternoon at Oshodi under bridge by road users and accused her of kidnapping a-month-old baby strapped on her back. When the crowd discovered that the child was dead, the mob descended on the woman who was eventually rescued by some of the policemen at Oshodi. During interrogation, the old woman claimed that the dead baby was her grandchild. She also went ahead to disclose that she was rushing the child to the hospital passing on, adding that the child’s mother was mentally unstable. It was gathered that the woman was detained by the police to carryout investigation to ascertain her claims. According to the command’s spokesperson, Dolapo Badmos, a Superintendent of Police (SP) the woman was eventually released after the child’s mother and other family members came to the station and corroborated her story.

Little boys rape one-year-old girl before killing her

It seems like the years of innocence is almost behind us, judging from the kind of crime these little ones have been charged with. Two little boys aged 7 and 10 years old, have been arrested for committing a crime that will make you wonder if there's still such a thing as 'childish innocence'. According to reports, the boys raped a one-year-old girl, forced her into a pit toilet afterwards, and went ahead to beat her with a stick till they were sure she was dead. The boys have reportedly admitted to the crime, which was said to have taken place on Wednesday, September 7, in the Kumbe Balindo area of Ndian Division in Cameroon.

Fayose In Fresh Trouble For Alleged Diversion Of N8.877bn Paris Club Refund

Ekiti State governor, Ayodele Fayose, may have run into fresh trouble with the Federal Government after it was found that he collected the sum of N8.877 billion from the N388.304 billion released to 35 states as refunds from over-deductions on London-Paris Club loans but only paid one out of the eight-month salary arrears he owed workers in the state. Fayose was also said to have paid a curious 13th month salary as bonus while the arrears of seven-month salaries owed the workers were left unpaid. A reliable source in the Presidency, who spoke in confidence with one of our correspondents yesterday, said President Muhammadu Buhari has lived up to his pledge to ease salary crises in all the states by releasing N388.304 billion to 35 states but many of the states failed to abide by the agreement they had with the President that they would give preference to settling arrears of workers’ salaries. “Security reports available to the Presidency showed that Governor Ayodele Fayose paid only one month out of eight-month salary arrears. “The same governor went ahead to pay a curious 13-month salary to Ekiti workers. Yet, he got N8.877 billion refund. “Instead of accounting for what he used the loan refund for, he has the temerity to attack the Federal Government on hardship in the country. The relevant agencies are monitoring development in Ekiti and some states.” Reacting to the allegation on the telephone yesterday, Ekiti State Commissioner for Finance, Toyin Ojo, admitted that the state got N8.8 billion from the Paris Club refunds. But he said that the state’s share of the money was only N5.3 billion, which he said could barely pay one month out of the arrears of salaries owed the civil servants in the state. According to him, the wage bill for a month stands at N5.2 billion. He also said that workers in the local government sector could only get one month from the arrears of salaries owed them. The Nation, January 7, 2017

Report Exposes Attempt By States To Hide Breakdown Of N388bn Refund From FG

Attempts by some states in the federation to hide the exact amounts they received as refunds on over-deduction on London-Paris Club loans may have been thwarted. A report published by The Nation newspaper on Saturday claimed that some governors had begged the Minister of Finance, Kemi Adeosun, not to make public the refunds made to the States. The publication, however, asserts that it had all the details of what transpired between the States and the Federal Government, including bank transactions. Of the N388.304 billion released so far by the Federal Government, the report stated that some governors may have fed their states with wrong figures of the sums given to them. A document in possession of the newspaper indicated that all the 35 states were credited with their shares of the N388.304 billion as at December 27, 2016. The Nation reports: Our correspondent obtained the names of the bank, the account and the account numbers where each state’s share was remitted. Only Kano State and the FCT have so far not benefitted from the reimbursements. According to the list, Kwara State got two types of refund totaling more than N9.188 billion. Kwara’s shares include N5,415,167,236.97 refund to the state government and N3,773,082,953.54 for its 16 local government areas. Findings also confirmed that Ondo was only paid 50 per cent of its refunds (N6,513,392,932.28) because of leadership change in the state, which will soon lead to the inauguration of Chief Rotimi Akeredolu as the new governor. A breakdown of the list of top beneficiaries of the refunds is as follows: Akwa Ibom, N14,500,000,000.00; Bayelsa, N14,500,000,000.00; Delta, N14,500,000,000.00; Kastina, N14,500,000,000.00; Lagos, N14,500,000,000.00; Rivers, N14,500,000,000.00; Kaduna, N14,362,416,363.24; Borno, N13,654,138,849.49; Bauchi, N12,792,664,403.93; Benue, N12,749,689,453.61; Sokoto, N11,980,499,096.97; Osun, N11,744,237,793.56; Anambra, N11,386,281,466.35; Edo, N11,329,495,462.04; Cross River, N11,300,139,741.28; Kogi, N11,211,573,328.19 and Kebbi, N11,118,149,054.10. The document said: “Ondo payment represents 50 per cent of the refund due to transition of leadership in the state. Further instructions are being awaited on balance payment. “Adamawa, Kwara 22b on the list, Oyo and Taraba payments represent the portions due to the respective local governments.” But the Presidency was uncomfortable with the attitude of some state governors to the management of the refunds. Responding to a question, a source in government said: “It is unfortunate that some state governors under-declared the refunds made to them. “Some of them were also discovered to be giving spurious analysis in order to cover up the actual figures. “In fact, some states changed the agreement overnight. “A state said the President asked states to use at least 25 per cent of their London and Paris Club refund to offset salary arrears.” Investigation showed that about N134.44 billion out of the approved N522.74 billion will soon be paid as refunds to some states. The top government source added: “Yes, as at December 27, 2016, all the 35 states had received the N388.3 billion refunds. The balance of N134.44 billion will soon be accessed.” Following protests by states against over-deductions for external debt service between 1995 and 2002, President Muhammed Buhari had on December 2, 2016 approved the release of N522.74 billion to states as refunds pending reconciliation of records. Each state is entitled to a cap of N14.5 billion being 25 per cent of the amounts claimed. But the government has raised a team to scrutinise claims by states and reconcile with available records. These developments were contained in a statement issued in Abuja by the Special Adviser on Media to the Minister of Finance, Mr. Festus Akanbi. The statement said: “The Federal Government has reached a conditional agreement to pay 25% of the amounts claimed subject to a cap of N14.5 billion to any given state. Balances due thereafter will be revisited when fiscal conditions improve. “Mr. President’s overriding concern is for the welfare of the Nigerian people, considering the fact that many states are owing salaries and pension, causing considerable hardship. “Therefore, to ensure compliance with the directive that a minimum of 50% of any amount disbursed is dedicated to this, funds will be credited to an auditable account from which payments to individual creditors would be made. Where possible, such payments would be made to BVN linked accounts and verified.” But any state paid refunds in excess of its outstanding claims might suffer deduction from its monthly allocations from the Federation Account. It said: “Due to the fact that reconciliation is still ongoing and the final outcome might show an under or overstatement of claims, an undertaken has been signed by state governors, declaring that in the event the amount already paid exceeds the verified claim, the surplus would be deducted directly from the state’s monthly FAAC allocations. “The total amount approved by the President is N522.74 billion and is to be paid in batches. The first batch of N153.01 billion is currently being processed for release to 14 state governments. “The release of these funds is intended to support the fiscal stimulus programme of the President Muhammadu Buhari-led administration to provide direct stimulus through government spending. It is particularly aimed at boosting demand at consumer level and reversing the slowdown in economic activity.” RipplesNigeria ….without borders, without fears

Oritsejafor and burden of leadership: A Postscript

The leaders of the two leading religious bodies in Nigeria are indisputably strategic national leaders. They are very influential considering the size of their followership. Conventionally, one of them often talks less in the public; he is not known to be a newsmaker while the other has to employ the instrumentality of activism and the media to maintain some level of balance in the business of official patronage, especially in the interest of his own constituency. The Christian faith leadership in Nigeria shares the role of being vocal against overt and covert acts of injustice with the human rights groups. This has become more pronounced since the campaign against Nigeria’s membership of the Organization of Islamic States, OIC, during the General Ibrahim Babangida (Rtd) military era. The Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of Lagos Diocese, Anthony Cardinal Olubunmi Okogie, was a fire-spitting CAN President at that time. Since then, the Christian body has been more involved in speaking for the masses of this nation, along with its primary role of defending the Christian faith. Successive CAN leaders have maintained the culture, though at varying degrees depending on the nature of the man in charge. However, it may take a while for the Christian community in Nigeria to have another leader like Pastor Joseph Ayodele Oritsejafor. To date, Oritsejafor remains the most criticized and vilified national church leader in Nigeria. He received scathing remarks for the very reasons he assumed the mantle of Christian leadership – service! I will try to unveil Oritsejafor in this write-up beyond the parochial opinions some people hold about him. I have a sense of duty to straighten the records in the interest of future leaders who may be scared of stepping into the realm of leadership at that level. I won’t sing his praises because God is the Rewarder of everyone called to service by Him. I will write as someone who knows some of his activities, intentions, and challenges. Jesus our Lord said in Luke 12: 48 that to whom much is given, much is required; and adopting this statement as the principle of service in leadership is what earned Oritseajafor the brickbats from a section of the media. Oritsejafor accepted to serve the Body of Christ as chief steward in the nation with so much passion as someone who has been privileged to receive abundant mercy and uncommon grace from his Maker. He determined to add value and continue the good works started by his predecessors in office as Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) presidents. In the early part of his tenure in office, Oritsejafor did not allow projects or support works to be financed from the CAN purse. I remember when there was a flood disaster somewhere in Sokoto State, all the relief materials and cash donated in the name of CAN were not from the association’s coffers. He buoyed the treasury of the Christian body and initiated some ideas that steadied the body across the country. He dispensed his energy, time, and resources – as expected, though – to move the body to the next level. He was the sitting President of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, before he became CAN President. PFN is reputed for intrepid responses to issues as they affect Nigerians in general and the Body of Christ in particular. So, it was much easier for Oritsejafor to fit into the demanding roles of the CAN President. There are two major areas his critics talked about: his closeness to the former President Goodluck Jonathan and his frequent fiery responses to any action, policy or moves against the Church; insensitivity to the plight of the people or acts of injustice against any section of the country. They feel he should have been a gentleman who rarely or scarcely reacts as the leader of the most populous religious organization in Nigeria. But Oritsejafor thinks otherwise! Oritsejafor’s closeness to former President Goodluck Jonathan never affected his sense of duty as the Chief Priest of the nation during Jonathan’s era. He was not enjoying any special attention or privilege above his peer in the other faith. What surprises me the most is that we don’t get to hear anything about such closeness to the seat of power in all the years that the leader of the other faith (both past and present) has been the unseen hands behind many actions in our national affairs. Alas! Is it a crime to be close to any person in power, especially when it is not for conceited purposes? I think the answer is NO. Most Rev. Peter Akinola was the CAN President who completed the National Ecumenical Centre, Abuja, 18 months into his tenure of office. The project had been comatose for almost 15 years before Akinola was elected in 2004. He leveraged on his friendship and intimacy with former President Olusegun Obasanjo by appointing him (Obasanjo) to chair the fund raising committee to complete the edifice. It would have been understandable if Oritsejafor’s attackers were only from anywhere else than the Church. Some of his critics in the media are Christians. While there’s nothing wrong in constructively ‘criticizing’ (as against ‘admonishing’ church fathers/leaders as stipulated in the Holy Bible – 1 Timothy 5: 1), many of the vitriolic attacks were due to misconstrued intentions and veiled campaign to either weaken or blackmail Oritsejafor into submission. When Oritsejafor needed people to speak up for him, there was none. He became a loner in battle. Those who knew the truth about issues involving Oritsejafor opted to be quiet for reasons best known to them. He was frustrated to a point that he said “If there is another route to heaven apart from the church, I will follow it but, hey, there’s none.” He was commonly criticized for “talking too much” whenever he responded to issues of major concern; Okogie during his own time did same or even more but because it was Oritsejafor, he must be over- criticized. When his aircraft was impounded in South Africa for conveying $9.3 million undeclared cash at the point of entry, the money, said to be meant to procure arms and ammunition in the black market for our soldiers fighting Boko Haram in the North East, was said by some to belong to Oritsejafor, despite the public confession by the then National Security Adviser, NSA, Col. Sambo Dasuki (Rtd), that the money belonged to the federal government and that the aircraft was hired for the trip. But because the aircraft belonged to Oritsejafor, tongues wagged for a long time about the “ulterior motives” behind the money and the owner of the aircraft. In spite of these daunting challenges, Oritsejafor took it calmly in his strides and forged ahead. He sums it up thus: “There are almost 100 million Christians in Nigeria out of which God, in His infinite mercy, counted me worthy to serve His people at leadership position. Whatever is said or written against me is an indication that I am making an impact. If you don’t want to be insulted or blackmailed, then you are not ready for service. Even for going about doing good; Jesus Christ was blackmailed, abused, and eventually killed. It is all a burden of leadership. Only God, the faithful Judge, will reward my stewardship accordingly.”

Friday 6 January 2017

N23bn Diezani bribe: INEC sets up panel on EFCC report

The Independent National Electoral Commission has constituted a panel that will review cases of its 100 personnel, who were indicted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission in connection with alleged atrocities committed in the 2015 general elections. The affected personnel were indicted by the EFCC, whose operatives investigated them for allegedly receiving part of the N23bn bribe, which was said to have been facilitated by a former Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, ahead of the 2015 elections. The PUNCH had exclusively reported on Wednesday that INEC had received the report of the EFCC probe. According to The PUNCH report, the electoral body assured that those found to have received the bribe would be suspended in accordance with the provisions of the INEC’s conditions of service. Investigations on Friday revealed that the Chairman of INEC, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, who received the EFCC’s report, immediately commenced work on it by setting up an internal panel to review the cases of all the personnel involved for appropriate disciplinary action. It was learnt that the panel was headed by a national commissioner, whose identity was not revealed, to examine the cases of all those listed for sanction in the EFCC’s report. A top official of the commission told our correspondent that the panel started sitting on the report on Tuesday. The source said, “The EFCC just submitted the report on the indicted personnel to the commission last week. “I don’t think the details of that report are available now but what I can tell you is that the commission is working on the report. “Already, the chairman has constituted a high-powered committee to commence immediate work on the report submitted by the EFCC. “The panel, led by one of the national commissioners, started sitting on the report on Tuesday.” When our correspondent contacted the Chief Press Secretary to the Chairman of INEC, Mr. Rotimi Oyekanmi, he said he did not have authorisation to comment on the matter. Similarly, the Deputy Director in Charge of Voter Education and Publicity, Mr. Nick Dazang, simply said ‘no comment’, when he was contacted to speak on the issue on Thursday. The PUNCH had reported on Wednesday that INEC had taken a decision to subject the over 100 indicted officials to the conditions of service of the commission by ensuring that they are placed on suspension. Sunday PUNCH had, on December 10, 2016, reported that the EFCC report contained the outcome of investigations in five geopolitical zones. According to the Sunday PUNCH report, among those affected was a former Resident Electoral Commissioner in Rivers State during the 2015 elections, Gesila Khan. Two houses and two plazas were said to have been recovered from Khan, while her accounts had been frozen. Khan allegedly received N185.8m ahead of the March 28 and April 11, 2015 elections. The EFCC had also arrested one Fidelia Omoile, who was the INEC electoral officer in Isoko South Local Government Area in Delta State during the elections.

Wednesday 4 January 2017

UNIPORT expels 22 students

Port Harcourt - The Senate of the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) on Friday announced the expulsion of 22 students of the university for various offences including assaulting a female lecturer. A statement signed by the Registrar of the university, Mrs Dorcas Otto in Port Harcourt, said that the offences also included being members of different cult groups and undermining security on the campus. According to the statement, the decision to expel the students was taken at the 426th Senate Meeting of the university held on Wednesday. It further disclosed that eight of the students were expelled for being part of different cult groups, two students expelled for assaulting a female lecturer and disrupting a congress meeting of the department. “Twelve other students expelled were former presidents of faculty associations,” the statement said. According to it, the senate of the university also announced that the institution has closed for the Christmas/New Year Break and will resume on Jan. 3, 2017.

Leicester City signs another Nigerian

Lagos - English Premier League champions Leicester City has signed another Nigerian player Wilfred Ndidi from Genk on a five-year deal. Defender Ndidi will be joining compatriot Ahmed Musa at the club. Leicester confirmed the signing in a tweet on Tuesday. His contract will run until 2022 and sources understand he goes to the King Power for a fee thought to be £15m. After playing for Nathaniel boys of Lagos, Ndidi made his Belgian Pro League debut with K.R.C. Genk on 31 January 2015 against Charleroi in a 1-0 away defeat. He played the first 74 minutes of the game, before being substituted for Jarne Vrijsen. Ndidi exploded onto the scene during his first full season in 2015/2016. During the Belgian playoff game against Club Brugge, Ndidi would go on to score a world class goal. Receiving an attempted-clearance outside the penalty box, he lofted the ball smoothly over an opposing player before unleashing a ferocious volley into the top right corner. The ball was adjudged to be travelling at over 111 km/hr. It was named the goal of the season in the Belgian league. He scored two more goals before the end of the playoffs including another volley from outside the box against R.S.C. Anderlecht in a 5-2 win. He received the award as the third-best young player in the Belgian league for the 2015/2016 season. Ndidi will wear the number 25 shirt for the Premier League champions.

Abuja Airport to be shut down

Abuja - The aviation ministry announced on Tuesday, January 3 the closure of the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja slated for March 8, 2016. It said the closure, which was initially scheduled for February, will enable the government to repair its runway. The decision to shut the airport and divert Abuja-bound flights to Kaduna followed threats by airlines to stop flying to Nigeria’s capital. The Kaduna airport, which is primarily used for domestic flights, recorded 12 flights in December 2015 compared to the 812 recorded in the Abuja airport. The aviation ministry did not give any reason for the change in the date of the closure. It said the matter will be discussed at a meeting with stakeholders on Thursday, January 5. The meeting is to brief them on efforts being made to ensure that the use of Kaduna’s airport is “seamless and hitch-free,” the ministry’s spokesman, James Odaudu, said. Analysts say the six weeks closure of the Abuja airport, the country’s second busiest after the Muritala Mohammed Airport in Lagos, will have a negative impact on the already sickened economy. The closure implicates that Passengers travelling to Abuja will have to first fly to Kaduna and travel in bus shuttles, guarded by security provided by the government, to Abuja on a road full of pot-holes and where kidnappings have been rampant in the last few years. Construction giant, Julius Berger, is expected to will carry out the repairs on Abuja’s damaged runway. Meanwhile, The Federal Government has assured of adequate security for passengers that would be using Kaduna Airport during the closure of Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja for the repairs of its runway according to the Minister of state, Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika. He gave the assurance when the Deputy British High Commissioner, Harriet Thompson, paid him a visit in Abuja recently. According to him, government has put in place adequate arrangement to provide buses to convey passengers to Abuja or to railway station, depending on the choice of the passengers involved.

Nigerian escapes from Indian prison

Abuja - A Nigerian drug peddler, John Okoro, who had served a prison term and was a few hours from being deported has made a daring escape from the Anti-Narcotics Cell’s custody, Indian newspapers have reported. Okoro, 35, had sought permission to step out of the detention room on the first floor of the agency’s Azad Maidan office around 2 a m, saying he wanted to use the toilet, and then jumped from the balcony. He crashed through the asbestos roof and fled on foot. The constable guarding him also leaped from the balcony in a desperate attempt to nab him, but ended up injured. He is recovering at the Nagpada police hospital. The Anti-Narcotics Cell’s Azad Maidan office is barely 15 feet from the local police station. The office shares a wall with the police’s station detection room. The Esplanade court is in the same compound. An alert has been issued for Okoro, who was convicted for trying to selling banned substances in 2014 and recently completed his jail term. Before his conviction, the 35-year-old Nigerian lived in Koparkhairane, Navi Mumbai. After his prison sentence ended, he was placed under the ANC’s custody on December 31 and he was due to be deported on Monday afternoon. “Around 2 am, Okoro told the constable on guard that he wanted to visit the washroom. He was being taken there when he jumped from the balcony. He landed on the asbestos roof, which immediately gave away,” a police officer said. “He ran in the directions of Mahapalika Marg.” Another officer said a manhunt had been launched and the Anti-Narcotics Cell had asked informers to be on the lookout. Okoro was wearing a blue shirt, blue jeans and slippers. Fresh charges stemming from his daring escape have been registered at the Azad Maidan police again.

MMM Nigeria releases date for unfreezing of accounts

Lagos - The MMM Nigeria has released a bumper new year message to over 3 millions of its participants over their frozen accounts. The Scheme on its official Twitter account assured Nigerians their accounts will be unfrozen on January 14. "We promised that our participants' confirmed Mavros will be unfrozen (ability to make withdrawal) from January 14th, 2017. #12DaysToGo" "Happy New Year to all Mavrodians. And the countdown starts now. 13 days to January 14th". We promised that our participants' confirmed Mavros will be unfrozen (ability to make withdrawal) from January 14th, 2017.

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Chelsea supporters in court over racist incident

Paris - Four Chelsea football fans, including an ex-policeman, battled charges of racist violence in a Paris court on Tuesday for which they could face prison terms. In the Paris metro, the four were among Chelsea fans who chanted "we are racist, we are racist and that's the way we like it" as they pushed back a black man trying to board the train. In court, the fans denied their acts were racist in nature. Joshua Parsons, 22, a former pupil of the elite Millfield school in England, now working in the building trade, and James Fairbairn, 25, a civil engineer, were the only two among the four to appear in court. Both wore grey suits for the hearing where a video of the incident was shown. Richard Barklie, a 52-year-old former policeman, and William Simpson, 27, were tried in absentia. The incident in February 2015 before a Champions League match between Paris Saint Germain and Chelsea was filmed by a Briton, Paul Nolan, and published by the Guardian newspaper. The video showed commuter Souleymane Sylla repeatedly being violently thwarted in his attempts to get on a train at the Richelieu-Drouot station. Station CCTV footage also recorded the scene. Parsons, Fairbairn and Barklie have already been banned from football stadiums in Britain. In France, they face a jail term of up to seven years and a 100,000-euro fine.

Nigeria attacks SA police after 'barbaric' death

Lagos - Nigeria has urged "urgent" diplomatic action after one of its citizens died in a violent confrontation with South African police, in what they called a "barbaric" and "extra-judicial" killing. The incident involves Nigerian man Victor Tochukwu Nnadi, who was allegedly choked as he lay handcuffed on a main street on Thursday. Photos and film footage taken by witnesses show a prone body with a swollen face and blood coming from his mouth. "The barbaric behaviour of the perpetrators is not only unacceptable, but also calls for urgent attention by diplomatic authorities in Nigeria and South Africa," said Abike Dabiri-Erewa, a senior aide to the president on foreign affairs and the Nigerian diaspora. While appealing to Nigerians to avoid crimes, the extra-judicial killing of Nigerians is... unacceptable," she said. South African police said Nnadi resisted arrest on suspicion of drug dealing and died after swallowing a dose of heroin that he was trying to sell. A group representing expatriates, the Nigerian Union in South Africa (NUSA), complained there had been no examination to confirm he had died of heroin. South African police say they are carrying out further investigations. "The accused is innocent until proven guilty," NUSA spokesperson Emeka Ezinteje Collins told AFP. "This is not a crime to be a Nigerian. We tend to believe that Nigerian lives don't matter to them." Nnadi's brother, who tried to prevent the arrest, was himself detained and remains incarcerated. According to NUSA, there are around 800 000 Nigerians in South Africa, many of them living in Johannesburg. The community was badly hit by a wave of xenophobic violence in April 2015 that, according to an official toll, left seven people dead and thousands homeless. In its latest report, an independent watchdog said 640 people had died from police brutality or in police custody in South Africa.

Samuel Eto'o set to join relegation threatened Hull City

Reports in England say Samuel Eto' is a target for Hull City - City boss Mike Phelan has dismissed transfer speculation Football legend Samuel Eto'o has been linked with a return to the Premier League, after reports from England emerged that he is on the radar of Hull City. The relegation threatened club are said to be interested in signing the the 35-year-old, who scored 12 Premier League goals during stints at Chelsea and Everton. City boss Mike Phelan has however dismissed the speculation, and joked that if the African star joined the club, he would have to help defend corner after his side conceded another two goals from corners against West Bromwich Albion on Monday. The Tigers have conceded 12 goals from set-pieces this season already.

Killing of Nigerian in South Africa is unacceptable

Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Honourable Abike Dabiri-Erewa, says the killing of a Nigerian in South Africa is unacceptable - She says the recent killing of Tochukwu Nnadi has brought the number of Nigerians killed in South Africa through extra-judicial to 20 in 2016 alone - The president's aide urges Nigerians to avoid crimes The Presidency has reacted to alleged extra-judicial killing of a Nigerian in the South Africa by security agents. According to the Senior Special Assistant to President Muhammadu Buhari on Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, Honourable Abike Dabiri-Erewa, the killing of a Nigerian in South Africa is “worrying and condemnable”.


The Portuguese centre-half is expected to leave the Spanish capital at the end of the season, with the Red Devils keen on securing a deal to bring him to Old Trafford RUMOURS: MOURINHO WANTS PEPE AT MAN UTD 19:28MAINSHARE 0 Getty Images The Portuguese centre-half is expected to leave the Spanish capital at the end of the season, with the Red Devils keen on securing a deal to bring him to Old Trafford Jose Mourinho is keen on making Real Madrid defender Pepe a Manchester United in the summer, according to reports from The Sun. The 33-year-old has fallen out of favour under Zinedine Zidane, having made just eight La Liga appearances this season, and is reportedly seen as the perfect addition for United by his countryman. Pepe led Portugal to the Euro 2016 trophy in the summer and also won the Champions League with Real, though Raphael Varane and Sergio Ramos are the preferred pairing in the Los Blancos defence. There is said to be interest in Pepe from China, though Mourinho reportedly hopes his personal relationship with the player will secure a transfer at the end of the season.


The La Liga club director admitted that the Nigeria skipper is considering a move to the Mestalla Stadium after discussions held on Christmas day CHELSEA'S OBI MIKEL CONSIDERING VALENCIA MOVE Tolu Olasoji 23:38NIGERIANS ABROADSHARE 0 Goal The La Liga club director admitted that the Nigeria skipper is considering a move to the Mestalla Stadium after discussions held on Christmas day Chelsea ’s John Obi Mikel is considering a move to Valencia , according to the Spanish outfit’s sporting director, Garcia Pitarch. The Nigerian, who is set to become a free agent at the end of the season, is yet to make a first-team appearance for Antonio Conte’s all-conquering side. And speculations over his future away from the Stamford Bridge has grown with Marseille, initially, looking to be in pole position to land his signature in the January transfer window. But Los Che’s director has confirmed that the Olympic Bronze medallist ‘would think’ about a move to the Spanish League following their meeting on Christmas Day. "In the case of Obi Mikel, with Chelsea's permission, I met with him in London on Christmas day,” Garcia Pitarch told Spanish newspaper Superdeporte. "I informed him of the option [of joining Valencia]. He said he would think about it."