Sunday 8 January 2017

Awujale should withdraw his book, apologise to Obasanjo — Oladunjoye

The Jagunmolu of Owu and Apesin Jagunmolu of Egbaland, Chief Shehu Oladunjoye, speaks with TOLUWANI ENIOLA on the rift between the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, and former President Olusegun Obasanjo Do you think the words used by former President Olusegun Obasanjo against the Awujale of Ijebuland, Oba Sikiru Adetona, were appropriate? Yes; Obasanjo is justified in the way he reacted to Awujale’s (allegations against Obasanjo in his) book. His letter published by the media is appropriate because the falsehood in Awujale’s book was also published in a book. Obasanjo acted in good faith to assist Globacom Chairman, Mike Adenuga, to secure a telecommunication licence, including the second national carrier (access to the international gateway). He also advised the Nigeria Communication Commission to allow the successful bidders to pay a deposit if they could not pay the entire amount immediately in order to encourage local and indigenous operators. He does not deserve the sort of accusation (the Awujale levelled against him). It is false and falsehood will infuriate anyone. Don’t you think Obasanjo should have met with the monarch privately to resolve the issue? I disagree with that. Why should he do that? Obasanjo could not have met with the Awujale to discuss the matter because the Awujale did not reach out to him before publishing such distorted information. If the Awujale needed any clarification on the issue, he could have reached out to Obasanjo before writing about a matter which portrays an elder statesman of Obasanjo’s pedigree in a negative manner. His (Awujale’s) narrative, therefore, appears mischievous. How do you think Obasanjo’s letter will affect the respect people have for the Awujale and other Yoruba monarchs? Monarchs nationwide are sometimes involved in one controversy or another. Open letters are not novel because they are the less cumbersome and independent option available to us in Nigeria for protesting any issue; be it injustice, libel or misrepresentation of facts. The public will realise that the monarch did not get his facts correctly and should not have published such when he had no facts. A monarch is not supposed to put himself in such a controversial position. He is supposed to be an independent adjudicator at all times and investigate matters deeply before making any pronouncement. He is expected to be a promoter of peace and not discord. Above all, he is seen as a role model for all. Do you think the Awujale should apologise to Obasanjo? Definitely; the Awujale ought to apologise to Obasanjo through a formal statement which should be published in the national dailies or his books should be withdrawn from circulation willingly or through a court order. This will serve as a deterrent to those who plan to engage in such acts of blackmail to ridicule statesmen. Also, Adenuga should reach out to Awujale to ensure effective damage control immediately or another can of worms may be opened. Do you think Obasanjo had a hand in the case brought against Globacom Chairman, Mike Adenuga, by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission as claimed by the Awujale? Obasanjo established the EFCC because there had to be an institution to check the menace of corruption and impunity in this country. It was a step in the right direction influenced by pressure from the international community and conventions to which Nigeria is a signatory. A few of Obasanjo’s friends were victims of the EFCC and Obasanjo did not intervene in their matters because he would be undermining the objectives of the institution he set up. If Adenuga obtained the telecommunications licence without any financial crime, then the EFCC would have no reason to investigate him. Obasanjo should not be expected to use his position as the president of a country to prevent the institution he established from carrying out its legal responsibilities and duties as stipulated in the enabling act. How true is the Awujale’s claim that Obasanjo’s rift with former Vice President Atiku was the reason the EFCC went after Adenuga at that time? Obasanjo could not have instructed the EFCC to go after Adenuga. That is false. Adenuga is his kinsman and he supported him to get the licence for his telecommunications firm. If Adenuga had financial challenges which resulted in some questionable actions that the EFCC considered worth investigating, it is not Obasanjo’s call and he must also not be seen as preventing the EFCC from doing its job. Obasanjo would then be accused by Nigerians of helping his kinsman and it would set a bad precedence for the anti-graft war he initiated. What do you think was the intention of Oba Adetona before writing the book? I wouldn’t know Awujale’s intention of writing the book. Most renowned leaders who have landmark achievements write their autobiography so as to leave a legacy and a reference book which will inspire other generations to achieve greatness. In Nigeria, many people write autobiographies for political relevance, recognition and power. Some write to settle old scores or position themselves for an aspiration. Only Awujale knows the real reason he wrote the book. Dale Carnegie said there are two reasons anybody does anything – the one that sounds good and the real reason. What do you think Obasanjo is trying to achieve by responding to a book written six years ago? Obasanjo was not aware of the autobiography or its contents, as the book was not well launched or reviewed publicly. It was not in the public domain. It was when Obasanjo’s attention was drawn to the contents of the book recently that he realised he should correct the misrepresentation and manipulation of facts (therein). Obasanjo does not waste time in reacting to such a distortion once he is aware of it. Should Obasanjo sue the king over the matter? No; I wouldn’t advise Obasanjo to take Awujale to court over the matter for now. We always sue for peaceful and amicable reconciliation of any issue where possible. This is a matter that affects our sons in Yorubaland and we should be able to resolve it. Awujale should realise that he is a traditional ruler in a small region in Yorubaland while Obasanjo – a political leader of the Yoruba people – has served his country well as a military general, head of state, and a civilian president of Nigeria for eight years with notable achievements. Obasanjo is an elder statesman and deserves the respect of all Yoruba, including traditional rulers who are subject to the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Do you agree with the advice that Yoruba Obas should stay out of politics? Yes; not just Yoruba Obas but all monarchs nationwide should stay out of political issues. They are not a recognised part of the democratic institutions under the political parties. If they want to play politics, they should remove their traditional regalia and join the bandwagon for a level playing field. They are the traditional leaders of the people within their constituencies and should remain unbiased, fair, just and independent so as to preside over community issues without fear, favour, and loyalty to any political leader or cause. They should also refrain from involvement in religious issues. Monarchs must remain neutral in any situation so as to earn the respect of the people. What advice do you have for the Awujale? Awujale, in my opinion, should focus on his responsibilities to the people of Ijebuland. He should explore avenues to encourage development of industries in Ijebu, which is known to have produced great entrepreneurs in Yorubaland and Nigeria. He should explore ways to address unemployment, poverty, urban migration, development of farmlands and rural farmers’ empowerment. He should ensure that firms carry out commendable corporate social responsibility in Ogun State. Awujale should try to alleviate the condition of his people in Ijebu and address their conflicts objectively towards reaching an amicable resolution without bias. He should also try, like a good ruler, to check his facts properly on any issue no matter who is involved. More importantly, he should carry out extensive consultations before taking any action or pronouncement. He should avoid sentimentalism and unwarranted arrogance. Traditional rulers can be humble even in their exalted position. He should also try to be less impulsive as a ruler. Otherwise, he may find himself in a multibillion-naira lawsuit one day that would be most embarrassing to a first-class monarch of his status. It is said that Obasanjo does not enjoy much respect in Yorubaland. Will you say the public spat between him and Oba Adetona justifies that assertion? It is most unfortunate that this (spat between Obasanjo and the Awujale) is happening. Obasanjo deserves much more respect than he is getting; not just in Yorubaland but generally in consideration of how he has served this nation commendably. It is not easy to govern Nigerians. I believe it is the Nigerian factor because we generally do not give our leaders the respect they merit. You may say the same for the late Musa Yar’Adua, Jonathan Goodluck, as well as state governors. It is time we enacted a law to protect our presidents while in office and when out of office. These statesmen sacrificed their time for the nation and deserve to be revered regardless of their faults. It is not a Yoruba issue. What concerns us is that the Yoruba culture is known for the respect it accords elders; its respect for humility, equity and fair play. It is, therefore, sad that Obasanjo, who is a role model for the Yoruba and an eminent statesman for Nigeria and Africa, has to be treated like this by a regional monarch who ought to know better. Obasanjo is not just a Yoruba elder but a former president and a former head of state. He is respected all over the world. A monarch should not attempt to tarnish his (Obasanjo) good reputation. He is a pride to Yoruba, Nigerians and Africans. Awujale should take heed now because he is on the throne today and would not like emerging leaders to tarnish his image. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. The nose is far from the forehead. Let us give respect to those who deserve it.

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