Tuesday 12 July 2016

No Regret 'God adores gay people' - Homosexual Reverend, Jide Macaulay

Nigeria's foremost gay and activist, Rev. Jide Macaulay, who created shock in the nation when he came out to announce his homosexual status, has stirred another debate point when he took to his Facebook account to state that the word gay actually stands for 'God Adores You.'

Macaulay who is the founder of House of Rainbow Fellowship, a church for gay people, also stated that he regretted not realising he was gay while growing up and even getting married. When he knew he had feelings for fellow men, he promptly divorced his wife and dumped his family to revel in his new found status.
Read what he posted here:
"I had to block another family member and unapologetically shared with another, who is willing to listen.
To be rejected by family hurts, especially parents and children. Since I came out as gay, I have thought several times of taking my own life; the rejection cuts deep into my heart and soul, but knowing Christ and believing in an awesome God has been a better option.
I am truly not worried as the inclusive Christian ministry with House of Rainbow brings me in contact with many people who are same gender loving, thousands of people around the world just like me. Above all I have encountered God with unimaginable love.
To be able, on a daily basis, tell gay people God love us just the way we are is a humbling experience and I thank God for calling me.
GAY means God Adores You, God Accepts You, God Affirms You."
Quoting for the Bible to back up his claims, Macaulay also posted:
"Jeremiah 1:5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.’
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
I am not ashamed to be gay, I regret not knowing better before I got married to a woman in 1991, thank God I was divorced by 1994. There are many millions of stories only if we pay attention.
I thought I will share this, I apologise if this is uncomfortable. But I needed to share. God bless you.
Jide Macaulay."

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